Top 10 Amazing Facts about Moon

Top 10 Amazing Facts about Moon

Hello Friends! Welcome to my blog. In this post, you will know some Amazing Facts about Moon.

1. How the Moon was formed: The Moon was formed from the remains of the debris that arose from a massive collision between the Earth and the Thea planet (a planet shaped like  Mars) about 4.5 million years ago. This debris first roamed the orbit of the earth and then gradually gathered up in one place and turned into the shape of the moon. Examination of the stones brought by Apollo astronauts showed that there is no difference between the age of the moon and the Earth. An excessive amount of titanium has been found in its rocks.

2. Gravitational power is low: Moon's gravitational power is less than Earth, so the weight of a man is reduced by about 16.5 percent. If the reason is that the person can jump there easily. The Moon has a gravity of 1.62 m / s². Although gravity varies everywhere. The Moon has gravitational force only if it has the ability to generate tidal waves in the Earth's sea.

3. What is on the Moon: On the rough side of the Moon, there is a possibility of a very unstable and mild atmosphere and there is evidence of water present in solid form. However, according to scientists, it is an atmosphere-less satellite. According to NASA's LADE project it is made up of helium, neon and organ gases. The largest mountain on the Moon is the Leibnitz Mountains, located at the South Pole, which is 35,000 feet (10,668 m) high.

4. Moonstones on Earth: 3 small stones brought from the moon were auctioned in New York, US last year. In the auction, these stones were sold for 8 lakh 50 thousand dollars (about 6 crore rupees). These were achieved during the Russian Luna-16 mission sent to the moon in 1970. He was initially with the wife of Sergei Pavlovic Korolev, the late director of the space program of the then Soviet Union. They were first auctioned in 1993. It is said that Neil Armstrong also brought stones from the moon.

5. Lunar is not a planet, a satellite: There is a difference between a planet and a satellite. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. Similarly, planets like Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto also have satellites i.e. moon. According to scientists, satellites larger than the moon are present in the solar world, the largest of which is located Kalisto near the planet Jupiter.

6. How is the atmosphere of the Moon: The climate here is very calm but there are huge fluctuations in temperature here. The dust ball on the lunar surface hovers at sunrise and sunrise. According to scientists, one reason for this may be the electrically charged molecules. It only happens in the direction of the Sun. The dust here is sticky due to which the equipment of the scientists gets spoiled. If an astronaut will go there, the dust will quickly stick on his clothes and then it is difficult to remove.
On the opposite hand, the dust field of the moon's back is called Shantisagar and it is dark. The moon completes 1 revolution of the Earth in about 27 days and 8 hours and at the same time makes a rotation on its axis. This is the reason why only one part of the moon is always visible.

7. Eclipse is the opposite: If the sun and lunar eclipse we see on earth, if we see it from the moon, the opposite will be seen. This means that if there is a lunar eclipse on Earth, there will be a solar eclipse on the moon. In this way, if there is a solar eclipse on the Earth, then there will be a lunar eclipse on the moon?

8. Black Sky: If the sky looks blue and white from the earth, then the reason for this is that there is more than 70 percent water on the earth, which is reflective. Due to such a large amount of water, the atmosphere of the earth is also clean and clean. But this is not the case on the moon. There the dust keeps blowing and therefore the water is somewhere in solid form. In such a situation, the sky seems black most of the time.

9. The Moon Will Hide Forever One Day: Scientists express the possibility that the Moon is becoming 3.78 centimeters away from the Earth every year. At a certain distance, the moon will spend 47 days instead of 28 days orbiting the Earth. It can also be feared that if the moon goes farther in the same way, the gravitational force of the earth and away from the orbit may be lost somewhere in space. In this case, the day will remain on Earth for only 6 hours. Meaning the rest of the night will be night?

10. Behold the Earth with the Moon: On the full moon day we see the moon big and beautiful. It has a very bright white color, this means a bright moon. Only 57% of the moon can be seen from the earth. But when you stand on the moon and see the earth, it will appear about 45 times brighter and blue than the full moon and also it will appear 4 times larger than its original size. This means that if you look at the earth from the moon, all the songs, poems and songs written on the moon so far will be dull in front of the earth.

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